Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A 14 hour flight

Here are some do's & don'ts on a long overnight flight:

  • Go for the aisle seat
  • Anytime they offer you water, take it
  • Use the bathroom before they finish serving breakfast!
  • If you have picky eaters, ask for a kids or a vegetarian meal (you'll also be served first)
  • Stand up as often as you can
  • Try to sleep in Business class, they will kick you out (ask Rich)
  • Try to sleep on the floor, you will be asked to get up (ask Ryan)
  • Watch the flight statistics -- do you really want to know that you are 6000+ miles & have 11+ hours to go until you can get out of this seat?
  • plan on sleeping much
Suprisingly, the flight was really not that bad. I panicked at the start thinking that I was going to have to sit in this cramped little seat for 14 hours straight! But they give you lots of food & drink, many movies & video games to choose from. The kids & I didn't sleep much but Rich actually got almost 6 hours sleep!

Let's see how we do on the 17 hour flight home!

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